
I’m wondering if anyone has stumbled upon a good alternative to
commercial detergents for barrel tumbling. I polish my gold and
silver in a rotary tumbler with steel shot. Some commercial
detergents don’t work well for me. I’ve found that
"gesswein"works best for me but it is expensive and the mail
order wait is inconvenient. Question; Is there a common
detergent…Tide, Cheer,etc that will magically do the same job?
“Whiter silvers…Golder golds?”

Darryl: Been using plain old Ivory Hand Soap in my barrel tumbler
with stainless steel shot. I cut off a plug with the pocket
knife and just add warm water. Works great with gold and silver.

Roger W. Kitchens
Jewelry Manufacturing, Repair & Restoration

Thank you …I’m off to the market. I bet my product will
smell better too!

For barrel tumbling silver, I use Dawn dishwashing liquid (in
stainless shot). That is, unless I’ve used some “instant” color
like Silverblack, which Dawn eats, then I use Ivory (soap flakes
or bar).
