Cutting Sterling Silver Sheets

I’ve got some sheet silver (18-24g) that I’m thinking of cutting into
smaller pieces to sell to hobbyists through my eBay store. Can anyone
recommend where I might have pieces cut (example 6" x 1" or similar)?
I’m in the San Francisco Bay Area. Can anyone recommend the
best-selling size or sizes? Appreciate the input!

K. Hennesey/Triskelt LLC - Concord, CA

I know I’m new, so this might be out of line. Can you use the
guillotine-type cutter (bench shear?) to do this yourself? An
alternative cutter would be the paper cutters that used to be used
in the elementary schools. You can probably pick one up or borrow
from a local school for no charge. Am I way off?

Good Luck with your project
Kim Starbard

I agree with Kimberly…the cost of buying a nice shear and doing it
yourself has got to be cheaper than outsourcing that kind of thing.
Interesting idea though…I’d buy pre cut metal to save me the
time…if it weren’t too much more expensive than buying bulk sheet.