Custom stamping tool

Does anyone have experience using any inexpensive custom
stamping tools? Comments, suggestions, effectiveness, etc.
Looking at purchasing something like the RT Stamping System.
Would like to make custom (tool steel?) dies to cut small
designs from brass sheets and/or pieces of leather.

   Does anyone have experience using any inexpensive custom
stamping tools?  Comments, suggestions, effectiveness, etc.
Looking at purchasing something like the RT Stamping System.
Would like to make custom (tool steel?) dies to cut small
designs from brass sheets and/or pieces of leather. 

hi raymond,

lee marshall makes a less expensive, more efficient saw system
than the rt. to use the blanking dies one could use a certain
type of ammunition reloader,or a machine i call a PCHUNK ( a
ramrod that comes crushing down on its fixed plate, looks kinda
like a ā€˜cā€™ clamp, but instead of screw, the ram is placed
there), or two steel plates and a hammer, or the 600.00 dollar
hydraulic press. lee is giving a one day(?) workshop at the snag
conference. is his website. lots of info there.

best regards,

geo fox

Regarding the use of stamping tools-

I use steel stamping tools for surface design on most of my
work. I usually order them from Indian Jewelers Supply. I have
made some of my own. I find that the simpler they are, the
better they work. Use 2 or more together to get a more complex
design. Deb

Deb- How do you make your own custom stamping tools? Janet B.