Crocker engraver sharpening tool

Instructions for the Crocker tool may be found at: imcclainsdotcom
under Basic Instructions, then, Engraving, then using a Crocker

Nice photos.

Thank you Frances for locating the instructions for the Crocker
sharpener. The photos are excellent and the instructions very
explicit. I was totally at sea as to how to use it. No matter what I
tried, i could not get my graver locked in correctly. Tried
inserting the graver without a handle, and it just kept shifting
around. Tried it with my GRS handle, and could not get it seated

I can see where it will take some practice, but once mastered, it
should be a very helpful tool. Thank you again. Alma

Instructions for the Crocker tool may be found at: imcclainsdotcom
under Basic Instructions, then, Engraving, then using a Crocker
Nice photos. 

Thanks Frances! From the article I discovered that mine didn’t come
with the Clamping insert…:-)…!! I’ve been using it for years
without it, but there are definitely times when it would have made
life easier…

Janet in Jerusalem