Hey all,
I was stalking the internet for some repouse info and stubled on the
copper/org website where they have a copper in the arts section and
thought it had some pretty good articles about copper art and the
artists who create the art and thought i would pass the site on to
others who may be interested.
Here lately i have really been drawn to working more silver,
copper… well i should just say anything not gold. The price is
just too high and for the majority of my professional career in the
industry i have bee almost exclusive to gold and plat. So just know
realizing the working opportunities and low cost of the alternative
metals to gold and plat. i get really excited to work with new
material because for the last fifteen years while the metals were
available i simply dismissed them because they were not gold or what
not. what a closed minded oaf i was! By the way, big fan of
metalsmith bench talk on blog talk radio, great stuff is being
covered in the interviews and jay whaley does a wonderful job. go
check it out if you haven’t.