Colored stone market

I’m looking to develop a business selling colored stones to the
trade. I have access to good rough and to cutters, both “American
precision” cutters and good overseas cutting houses. I’m not sure
quite how to determine what stones and cuts and sizes are in demand
and how to price. I have looked at the prices in the Stuller catalog,
but don’t know where most jewelers source their stones, nor whether
they would be receptive to new sources. Can anyone help?


In India Jaipur city is centre for colour stones.

Most jewelers who run their own business do research for the
demographic they can serve. Others can tell you what is best for
their demographic but likely, you have to research for your specific
demographic. You can also pay a researcher to do this for you. One
start could be to buy a ticket to the large gem and jewelry shows.

Good luck, M

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