Happy Cidada season to all,
A month or two ago Frank raised the question of collets for the HF
Micro Air Grinder and I promised to get something together for all
of us. It should have been very easy to get the material, but here we
are, finally. The solution is a simple brass bushing inside the issue
collet, one for 3/32 and one for 1/16.
Send a contribution to Orchid. Membership - Ganoksin Jewelry Making Community
Send me an email with your mailing address and I will send you
half a dozen of the collet bushing blanks (no charge). -
Check the inside of the issue collet, mine was full of machining
burrs. I honed it briefly with a bit of loose abrasive on the shank
of an 1/8 inch bur. -
Slit the front one half of the bushing, you could slit it twice
(into four segments) but once seems to do the job. Deburr as needed
and slide it into the issue collet, slit end OUT. -
Be happy in your work and bask in the warm feeling that you have
contributed to the great world of Orchid.
Dr. Mac