I’ve been looking at cobalt on the web and I found that there may be
a concern about causing a allergic skin reaction with much cobalt in
a metal worn on the skin quoting from a web site
http://www.dermnetnz.org/index.html All I’m saying is be cautious
about unusual elements in contact with skin.
What are the reactions to cobalt allergy? Reactions to contact with
cobalt in an allergic individual include allergic contact dermatitis
and irritant dermatitis. Vitamin B12 injections administered to
allergic individuals may produce a red, tender and itchy area around
the site of the injection. Oral ingestion of vitamin B12 is known to
cause intractable hand eczema is some patients. In many cases,
allergic reactions are not caused solely by cobalt sensitisation. For
example, metal objects almost always also contain nickel and in the
cement industry nickel and chromium are present. Nickel and chromium
are also potent sensitisers therefore; allergic reactions may not be
due solely to cobalt but also to simultaneous specific allergy to
nickel and chromium. Cobalt allergy may cause an erythema
multiforme-like eruption. It may also cause an airborne contact
Daniel Ballard