Clip on green shade 3 lenses


look what i discovered! clip on shade 3 lenses! I thought i would share!

i wear glasses and have been wearing my shade 3 glasses over my glasses, but it is not very stabke…especially when i try to look over or under them to check metal heat color…the dull glow is difficult to discern when looking thru myshade 3 lenses…

these look like they would prove my situation!



ok, i ordered them, they came, and they are fantastic! being able to flip them up is great!



Do these help with annealing and that sort of thing?


i use the green #3 shade lenses for eye protection from UV and IR while using the torch, looking in the kiln…

however, i find it a bit difficult to observe change in metal color while using them, so i like to peek when i think i am near annealing temp/ metal color


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I have a pair for looking into a crucible when I am melting metal, otherwise I don’t use eye protection. I had cataracts removed from both eyes and my lenses replaced with artificial lenses two years ago. It didn’t do much for my vision. For the past year, I have lost the ability to see focused images in my left eye and the right eye seems to be going that way too. A visit to my eye doctor resulted in the news that I have a lot of protein particles behind both eyes and they are interfering with my ability to see a focused image, especially in my left eye. I seem to remember being told that this could happen and that there is a way to fix it with a laser. The only problem is that it takes about six months for an appointment, so I have to use my #7 Optivisor to see what I am doing. Lots of fun…Rob

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Rob, the good news is that the YAG laser procedure lasts only 20 seconds or so and lasts a long time. I have had both eyes’ cataracts removed and YAG’d. That was a few years ago.


Thanks for the encouragement. I called the surgeon and told them that I am a jeweler and can’t do my work. They moved my appointment up to July 3rd…Rob


Well, I had my YAG laser appointment today to remove post cataract surgery protein deposits. The results are already amazing. I can see things that I haven’t seen in years. I am really looking forward to having my eyes refracted in a month and new glasses made. Ah the joys of being 75!..Rob