Hi All,
Those who know me from this forum, I have made the transition as the
Director of Metalwerx to now forming Cleverwerx. What is Cleverwerx?
It will be a line of very high end useful jewelry tools, gleaned from
my students needs and my own.
If you are attending SNAG, Allcraft will be displaying my first set
of titanium soldering tools. They are made of Titanium Grade 4, are
beefy and can take heat up to 3000 F without distortion. I have a few
samples and am working out the last refinements, but Allcraft will
have them for you to take a look at. Honestly, I don’t even have a
website yet.
If you are attending SNAG, stop by the Allcraft Booth and take a
look and let me know what you think.
I’m very excited to be working on tools that have ergonomic
considerations, are made in the USA and will last on your bench. You
will lose these soldering tools before you wear them out.
Let me know what you think. I have the utmost respect for the
opinions of this group, as it was Orchid in 1998 that selected the
name for the school Metalwerx which is now operating in its 9th year!
Karen Christians
Waltham, MA