Chrome oxide fingers

   Karen Hemmerle who polished a bunch of Honduran Opal tonight and
has chrome oxide fingers! 

I’ve found a great help in looking more presentable after a good
session with chrome oxide or rouge. (Heloise would be proud) Those
non-scratching pot scrubbers crocheted from nylon netting strips.
Work wonders cleaning jewelry between steps, too. I use a new one for
dishes til it’s worn floppy then retire it to my jewelry/hand cleaning
tasks; effective and gentle. Just a dab of Dawn or what have you will
do the trick.

        Karen Hemmerle who polished a bunch of Honduran Opal
tonight and has chrome oxide fingers! 

G’day. One of the best things for cleaning hands is the one of the
products sold in garages and motor parts shops for just that purpose.
The older types smell rather awful, like diesel fuel (Yuk!!) but the
more modern liquid ones smell of lemons, are not expensive, and work
remarkably well, working with engine grease and even easily removing
the grued-in black from buffing ones fingers as well as one’s silver
jewellery. Without removing the fingers.

John Burgess; @John_Burgess2 of Mapua Nelson NZ

I think the common name in the U.S. is something like Mechanics’ hand
soap; generally comes in a flattish can (like paste wax for the car),
and has a sort of gooey (without being really sticky) consistency
