Charleston Studio

When we relocated to Charleston, a studio was a must and I’m so proud of the results! I finally have a space for all my large stakes and stand (on left) retrieved from a closing Chrysler plant


Really a great creative space!!!
Lots of natural light and ventilation with the windows too.
Helps with not feeling cooped up inside feeling. Do you open the window by your jewelry bench when soldering for ventilation?
Probably in an area that you don’t have to worry about creeps that steal etc.:disappointed::-1:
Congratulations!!!:boom::+1::fish_cake::beers::tada: Because winter :snowman_with_snow: is almost upon us my sacred space won’t be ready until mid spring, I been working towards it for awhile now and I am READY!!! Making use of Time gathering more supplies and need tools :cowboy_hat_face:
Again Congratulations!!!

Gathering all the tools is major! And it’s a never-ending process!

All my Dad’s jewelry type tools and lots more, mac Roll around and stack on and hang on cabinets full of hand and air tools taken by family member to trade for drugs. That’s why I said something about that in previous post.
I’ve been retooling for years now. Good luck…~~~*BB

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Sometimes I imagine starting over and wondering what my shop would look like. This is actually an active process for me since I am trying to design a shop that I could work in that might also fit into a senior housing setting. This is a big challenge since I have not had any size restrictions in the 25 years that we have lived in our current house. Good luck building your shop and the loss of your Dad’s tool is awful. Good luck…Rob

Rob, you might get some ideas from Hans Meevis’ portable workbench.

Thanks Neil! I have looked at it before, but meant to go back. Thanks for reminding me…Rob

awesome sir