Try Metalliferous, Inc. 34 West 46th Street New York, NY. 10036
212-944-0909 They will probably ask you to pay for a catalog but the
price will be deducted from your first order. They have a good
selection of sterling silver chains as well as snake chains. Hope
this helps!
I'm looking for very fine, but good quality and durable, sterling
silver chain. Simple link , like a cable chain or something
similar. "
Margery, I was looking all over for something simple too, looked all
over, Pikes Peak Rock Shop, Rio Grande, Herco, a few others, finally
settled on downeast trading company, very fair prices, good service,
and very good quality Sterling and Gold. Just call them and ask for a
catalog. I ended up getting the diamond cut curb chain, it was the
closest thing I could find to a “handmade” curb chain. (see it at my
website below)
Downeast Trading
PO Box 349
Middlebury, Vermont 05753