I am looking to get as much as possible re casting of
titanium. I have never worked in titanium before, but have a demand
for titanium castings. Who can help please ?
Questions needed to be answered : What alloy to use, what
casting/flask temperatures, what investments ?
Thanks to all who can help…
Titanium is cast in a vacuum chamber in a ceramic/zirconium shell.
Not your run of the mill operation. We cast every few weeks with a
company that casts other titanium parts. We can cast your wax at
reasonable prices because we do hundreds of pieces at a time. the
grade of titanium used depends on what you want to do with it. Bill
Email- reactive@sedona.net
Catalog web site- <www.reactivemetals.com>
The October 2001 issue of AJM Magazine features an article on
working with titanium that includes a section on casting. If any
Orchid member would like to receive a free copy, please e-mail
Rich Youmans
Associate PublisherRich Youmans
Director of Communications & Publications
Associate Publisher, AJM
800-444-6572, ext. 3025
I wasn’t going to “toot my own horn”, but since Rich opened the
door… I’ve had images of my work published for the first time, in
this issue of AJM Magazine! Suzanne Wade wrote an excellent article,
“Directing Traffic”, about effectively using a Web site to build your
business, and there is a two page “splash” opening the article that
features three of my works. The Orchid list also gets a significant
mention in the article! Check it out if you get the chance!
Dave Sebaste
Sebaste Studio and
Carolina Artisans’ Gallery
Charlotte, NC (USA)
dave@sebaste.com mailto:dave@sebaste.com
http://www.CarolinaArtisans.com http://www.CarolinaArtisans.com