Goodmorning to all from the wet side of Europe,
By all means, it’s not that simple by thinking how metals flows!
Water will flow from the highest point to the lowest and THAT is
Every metal/alloy has it’s specifications you have to deal with and
you have to know.
I made uncountless mistakes by castings because I thought that I
knew how metals flow. Let me tell you that I was completly on the
wrong way of how to perform a nice casting.
I saw how it’s had to be done and it looks so easy but never thought
of having the knowledge in order to make this happend. Jepp, its quiet
simple if you see how one does it. Heat it up in the kiln, let it
burn out, melt the metal, cast it and there you go. What about the
exact temperature, burnout cycle, fluidity of the metal, alloy you
use, thickness of the items you like to cast, type of investment,
consistency of the investment, numbers of items you like to cast,
room temperature, moisture of the environment etc Not everything is
made out of wax and they need a different approach, other burnout
cycles and temps.
I know how to cast about 15 up to 20 items in one casting but I paid
for all the mistakes, paid for all the stupidity I’ve done by
believing that casting is a simple process.
In order of having the perfect finish with no pits, no porosity,
complete castings and shining results without any other color except
the color of the metal, I went to Germany and took very specific
education by a company named Horbach. It was expensive BUT they
showed me all the little know-hows and details you have to look for
and exactly these little details are making the big differents…
but you need to know. I’m still greatful because they showed me many
wise conciderations to take, the complete and generous information
the gave, the opportunity to perform a casting from the beginning
till the end.
To end this subject I need to tell that after all the mistakes and
money I invested in this part of jewelry, it’s fun and I love it
because it gives me some kind of satisfactory but I still don’t know
everything. Sometime mistakes just take place because of…
something I don’t know?
If you like to go for casting, by all means dig in and get smart,
read books but don’t take it the easy way. Satisfactory, craftmenship
and proudness are the big differents what makes customers buy your
product… or not.
Enjoy and have fun.