Carat price of emeralds

Hello, everyone,

Can anyone tell me what the going wholesale rate for grassy-green
Colombian emeralds would be nowadays? I am talking about cedar oil
treated (no other treatment) gems with some isolated inclusions but
darkness and excellent color and clarity where not included. Size
would be around 3-4 carats and well cut emerald or oval shape.


Laura H. Hastings
Certified Artisan
Eclectica Jewelry
Tucson, Arizona

Hi Laura,

How clean and bvrilliant are you seeking? Your description doesn’t
provide me with enough to give you any kind of usable
price range… If I go by what you’ve said, alone I could probably
offer you stones from $800 to 5,000 or more per carat. If you can
provide me with some more specific info about what you’re seeking,
chances are good that I’ll be better able to fulfill your needs. For
example, if you’re seeking stones that can comfortably compete with
the best Chatham has to offer, my partner and I can readily provide
these, just as we can goods with lesser lustre and/or more
noticeable inclusions. Can you give me some sense of the price range
you’re aiming for, or what eschelon of the market you’re after? The
stones you’re describing sound more like Chivor goods than Muzo, to
me; i.e. more yellowish than bluish green, is that right? I’ll be out
of the office tomorrow, but if you’d like to touch base on Wednesday
or thursday, I’ll do whatever I can to help you.

Best regards,

Douglas Turet, G.J.,
Turet Design, LLC
Box 242
Avon, MA 02322-0242
Tel: (508) 586-5690
Fax: (508) 586-5677

Hi Laura,

Your question does not provide enough to answer the
question with any degree of accuracy.

Emrald is a Type III gemstone, meaning it usually has eye visible
inclusions. “Some isolated inclusions” hints that the clarity of
what you are looking for would be considerably higher than
average…elevating the price.

The Guide, one of the most popular and accurate publications used in
the colored stone industry describes (accurately) the possible
colors of emerald as “Very strongly bluish green, bluish green, very
slightly bluish green, green, slightly yellowish green”. These terms
are not subjective, but are well-defined by GIA, and part of the
standard nomenclature used by knowledgeable, educated jewelers and
colored stone dealers and cutters (including me). Please note that
the color of grass can vary a LOT, so my grassy green can be quite
different from your grassy green. This is why the terminology exists
and this is why it is important for us who buy, sell or have a
general interest in colored gems are well-advised to obtain the
requisite education. Slight color differences can have a huge effect
on prices, although different parts of the world have different

On a scale of 1-10, quality-wise, with 1 being lowest commercial
grade goods and 10 being flawless at 10X with top hue, tone and
saturation, a 3-4 carat Grade 6-7 will wholesale for around $1800 to
$2800 per carat. Grade 5-6 about half that. Top quality in that size
up to $10,000 or $11,000 per carat.

NOW…while cutting is ostensibly included in the grading of these
stones, I can assure you that you will RARELY if EVER find a high
quality emerald cut to correct angles for beryl. And when you do, in
good or better quality, you will learn that emerald can indeed be
very bright and very beautiful, and a far different animal than what
you usually see at the shows or in the colored stone dealer’s trays.
I do not deal in high end emerald, but if you are looking for GOOD
to FINE materail, properly cut by a true expert, contact Doug Turet,
here on this list or I know Doug, but we have
no financial connection.

Good luck in your search.
Wayne Emery