"Cappuchino" diamonds

Hi Guys,

My wife just got a sales catalog wherein there were a great variety
of “Cappuchino” diamond pieces. I figure this ranks right up there
with the “Chocolate” diamonds.

I’ve always assumed that the whole ‘chocolate’ thing was really a
spectacularly smart way to (A) prove that Barnum was right, and (B)
add cachet to otherwise essentially worthless stones.

I’ve never actually seen one. (never cared to) Is there anything to
it other than clever marketing of rocks that are half-way to bortz?


I recently saw an ad for “rare brown diamonds,” and I exclaimed
"That’s nonsense." Brown diamonds are not rare and should be
considerably less expensive than white diamonds

Brown is the most common color of diamonds. However, a brown diamond
with middling fair or better clarity and a nice cut can be pretty.
Since they aren’t so valuable, it may be fun to give them fantasy

The Smithsonian might be alarmed to learn that their collection of
brown diamonds was “worthless”…

I've always assumed that the whole 'chocolate' thing was really a
spectacularly smart way to (A) prove that Barnum was right, and
(B) add cachet to otherwise essentially worthless stones. 

I think that’s more accurate for some of the “champaign” colors,
which are often a light tan to faint yellowish dishwater. especially
in mellee. though they can also range to more distinct brighter
colors of light orange/brown. But the ones sold as “chocolate” are
distinctly darker brownish, usually with a hint of orange. Well
matched, they can be quite pretty. Chocolate is a pretty good name
for the color. If you look at the ones carried by Evian co. in their
goods, the colors are consistant and attractive. Various sellers of
mellee sometimes sell goods labeled as chocolate that I’d bet those
retailers would reject as not quite fitting their idea of that color.
But what else is new. But one thing those stones are not, is
worthless. They’re not worth the same as fine VS D-F color stones of
course, but they’re worth a lot more than black diamonds, which also
aren’t totally useless either…

I’m not really familiar with the various brown diamonds, but where I
used to work we used a lot of black ones. I came to like them very
much, especially as beads. They have a degree of sparkle that is
quite unexpected in black, and can be quite spectacular. So I’d say
they are definitely not “totally useless” and not even especially


Hi Peter,

OK, so noted. I’m not much of a rock person to begin with, and I
never bought into the whole ‘mystery of the diamond’ thing, so I
always tend to look at them a little sideways.

Nice to know it’s not a complete scam. Pleasant surprise.
