Canadian diamonds

hello everyone I have a customer who wants canadian polar bear
diamond in his ring could ,anybody,give me a name or a place where I
could find that. I live in Canada myself, and it is snowing right
now. Thank you for your help. Myriam

Sirius Diamonds! In Vancouver (604) 687-5711. Tell them that Karen
from Elanda sent you!

Dear Myriam: Go to, they sell the polar bear


Myriam. on the Canadian Diamonds with the “Polar bear” imprint. try
Fabrikant diamonds or contact “GemScan” stone appraisors, both in
Toronto. If failing that try contacting the Canadian Jewellers
Association. One of those three should help you. …gerry. the
cyber-setter/teacher …from Toronto,eh!

Hi Myriam; Canadian diamonds are available through in Vancouver B.C. If you have any problems
reaching them through the website you can email me.I have their
address and phone number at my shop but it’s not available at
present.They are an excellent source and pricelists are available from
them if you are in the trade.Bye for now. David Dickson ( @audrey_david ).

Miriam, if you want a reliable source for the polar bear diamond you
should contact Sirius Diamonds in Vancouver, their number is 604
687-5711. They own the cutting factory for the polar bear diamond.
Regards, Benee

   hello everyone I have a customer who wants  canadian polar bear
diamond in his ring could ,anybody,give me a name or a place where
I could find that. I live in Canada myself, and it  is snowing right
now. Thank you for your help. Myriam 

Here’s the website for Sirius Diamonds, the company which deals in
that trademark. They should be able to put you in touch with a local
dealer or jewelery shop carrying the Polar Bear diamonds.Please remind
your customer if he doesn’t already know that the Poloar Bear
Trademark is not visible to the naked eye, being positioned on the
girdle of the stone.

(You must be on the East Coast, it’s raining here in Vancouver.)

Sandra Huibers
Vancouver, BC

Dear Fellow orchidians, Can some one tell me what a ’ Canadian polar
bear diamond’ is?? As an expat. Canadian who loves new information
and things which come from my past life/country and who has never
heard of this expression, what does this mean ??? This shows how
powerful words can be when we want to sell something. I mean the
image that 'polar bear diamond’s has is immense: " White,
strong, powerful, independent, free, icy, cool, white, and everything
that a developed country or person can control. ’

So we must all find an image to sell our work which is this powerful.
Well, I know many of the orchidians have this already but some of
us are still searching for the perfect image to sell our work.

Although I now live in a green tropical Saigon and this August move
to a dry, tan coloured middle eastern country, Bahrain, I am still
looking for something which grabs peoples imagination like the ‘
Canadian polar bear diamonds’ does.

Thanks in advance for the

Sharron in Saigon

Hello Sharon. the canadian diamond is from the arctic. I guess this is
why they gave it this name Regards from canada were spring is almost

For those that are interested - the Polar Bear is a trademark. Here
is the web address for the people mining the diamonds:

  • and here is the people that produce the Polar Bear diamond - . We just had a geologist from the
    local university give the lapidary society here a talk on how they
    were formed etc. Pretty neat stuff and Canadian too eh!

Cameron Speedie
Island Gem and Rock

    Dear Fellow orchidians, Can some one tell me what a ' Canadian
polar bear diamond' is?? 

Within the last 10 years, gem quality diamonds have been discovered
in the North of Canada. Since they are ethically clean (i.e. the
profits are not supporting any dictatorship governments, etc.) they
have an extra value. The way that the polar bear diamond can be
identified is by the microscopic polar bear that is laser etched into
the girdle of all their diamonds.

FYI, recently a shipment of stolen polar bear diamonds was recovered
because of the microscopic ID numbers also etched on them. The thief
took them to a jeweller and tried to sell them. But because the dealer
knew that only Sirius has the licence to sell them, he contacted the
company and the thief was caught.

There is lots of great info on the Sirius website.

Cheers, Jennifer Fellow Canadian

   Dear Fellow orchidians, Can some one tell me what a ' Canadian
polar bear diamond' is?? 

That is a trademark of Sirius Diamonds. They are a company mining
diamonds in the Canadian Arctic, cutting them in Yellowknife. The
logo they use is a tiny (but beautifully scaled) polar bear laser-cut
into the girdle of each diamond they cut. Check out their website, I
believe it’s

Hi, A short while ago they had a TV show on here about the Canadian
Diamonds. They showed the diamonds being individually laser etched
with a Polar Bear brand mark and said that they were individually
serial numbered. Each diamond was listed on a permanent data base
with date of extraction, location, size colour …

The big issue was enviromental and social concerns in the mining and
processing. All diamonds were to be extracted with the highest
enviromental safeguards, the location and brand ensures no social
concerns (war areas etc), and the processing is to be done using
labour employed under socially acceptable wage/workplace conditions.
I believe the indigenous population was doing some of the cutting as

Brian Symons.

I read an article about the cutters… they have Europeans over
working up there to train apprentices. At some point when there is
enough experience locally, all cutting will be done by the locals.
That was the goal, I believe.

All in all it looks like a very thoughtful operation.

  • darcy