Business Plans

Dear Orchidians, Once again I’m starting work on a new article, and
I’m turning to this great pool of people for help. This time I’m
writing about business plans, so I’m looking for some volunteers who
may have some experience with them.

The article will be focusing primarily on why and when to prepare
one, especially for small and one-man jewelry businesses, rather than
a “how to” article. (If anyone is looking for how to info, feel free
to drop me an e-mail: I’ve collected a number of interesting articles
and other resources and I’d be happy to pass them on.) I’d like to
hear from both people who have prepapred a successful business plan
and from people who have considered writing one, but decided not to. I
think both experiences would offer some valuable insight for others in
the same boat.

If you’d be willing to volunteer, please just let me know and we’ll
set up a good time for a telephone interview. My e-mail is, my phone is (508) 339-7366, and my fax is (520)

Thank you once again for being such a great group of people and so
willing to share what you know. I consider Orchid the greatest
resource I’ve ever found for making connections with people!


Suzanne Wade
Phone: (508) 339-7366
Fax: (520) 563-8255

Suzanne, I have completed a business plan. I took a class for
entrepreneurs at our local college and we went through the whole
process of completing a business plan. The business plan enabled me
to research the feasibility of starting my business. It is a way to
obtain checks and balances and to see if I am staying on track. It is
also a must for any future business loans. My business plan is
projected out to five years. I started my business a year an a half
ago and already my business is taking on new directions and I see the
need for a new plan. I am currently a Board Member of a non-profit
agency called the West Company located in Ukiah, CA. This agency
helps small businesses write business plans, obtain low interests
loans, complete feasibility studies to determine if the business idea
will have the potential of making money and etc. They work primarily
with minorities, mostly woman. If you go to my web site you will see
that I held a raffle of one of my pieces of jewelry and the proceeds
were donated to the West Company. It tells you how important I feel a
business plan is to everyone who is thinking of starting up a
business. Hope this helps.

Linda Crawford
Linda Crawford Designs
Willits, CA