Burnout kiln for enameling

I recently bought a programmable kiln to use as a burn out kiln for
casting. I talked myself into the purchase because I’d also wanted to
learn enameling and some slumping/warm glass work. Talking to an
accomplished enameler about my purchase I was told that I couldn’t
use the kiln for anything else once it has been used to burn out
wax. Is this the case? I was under the understanding that during the
high heat all of the wax residues would be completely burned away.
Will I need a separate kiln to successfully do other tasks? Has
anyone else used their kiln for enameling and as a burn out kiln
without problems? Any suggestions on things to avoid? If I put down a
tray and collect most of the molten wax before it starts to burn can
I lessen the “residues” on the walls? Is enameling that touchy?

Thanks in advance for any help,

I use my basic kiln for wax burnout, casting, enameling, metal clay,
fusing and annealing.

Scott, Although I have a separate kiln devoted mainly to enameling, I
of ten use my burnout kiln for enameling and have never had a
problem. It is a Paragon programmable kiln which I purchased because
it is a multi-purpose kiln.

I have a wax drip tray that slides under a wire mesh. The flasks are
set on the mesh. The molten wax drips into the tray,and after a
period of time, when the wax has all melted, remove the tray with the
melted wax and continue the burnout.

If the walls of the kiln get blackened from the wax (rarely
happens), I just give them a coat of kiln wash.

Never never had a problem using the same kiln for enameling.


Sounds like a complete load of rubbish to me. I use my kiln for
burnout, my partner uses it to fire pottery and we both used it for
enamelling though we usually prefer to use a torch for that. A
programmable controller makes it even easier especially if it can
store multiple firing programs.

All the best