Building own casting equipent

Hi there,

I am thinking about building centrifugal casting machine, burnout
kiln and wax injector.

While burnout kiln is not hard thing to build - I already made one
for a friend. It was made of insulating firebrick, 600 watt heating
coil and some steel sheet. Chamber was 12x12x12cm. It heated
quickly(about 15 minutes) to… I dont know how much but is actually
melted pcm instead of firing it. so I suppose it was something
around 960*C. So I mounted ceramic pt100 probe and temperature
controler, and it worked just fine.

I have read article about building wax injector on ganoksin but I
dont like the idea of heating wax by placing injector on heat plate.
I also read “handbook of lost wax and investment casting” and there
was article about making wax injector wit hheating coil. But to make
the coil not touching the steel can with wax, can was covered with
asbestos - which is not good idea. Do you have any other ideas of
solving that problem? I think you could use ceramic beads to protect
heating coil from touching the steel can. Coild would heat up, and
transfer heat to ceramic beads and from them to steel can and melt
the wax. What do you think? Other idea is to use heating element
from electric kettle. You would install it inside wax pot. Would it
work? Injector would be using air pressure from hand or foot pump.

Centrifugal casting machine is a simple tool toold to make. Spring
can be made or bought. Spring cover would be made of large diameter
steep pipe. Arms would be made of band steel. It need One-was
bearing to work. One end of spring is attached to the spring cover,
orhte end to one-way bearing, shaft is inserted into bearing, and
arms are mounted onto the shaft. Seams not hard to make, but I need
too see some pictures of inside of spring cover, and how it is

So I would like to hear your tips and comments how to build wax
injector and centrifugal casting machine. I would like to see
pictures of casting machine - how it is made, maybe some plans…
And your advice.

The reason why I am thinking about building these tools are their
high prices in Poland. Spring driver centrifugal casting machine w/o
accessories like crucible etc cost about 600-700$. Small burnout
kiln 800-1000$, wax injector 700$. Building these tools will save a
lot of money for me.

So im waiting for you advices, pictures, plans and comments.

Cheers, mark

I am thinking about building centrifugal casting machine, burnout
kiln and wax injector. 

Cool, visit some of the home casting groups on Yahoo! as well, lots
of experience there, a few published authors too.

Centrifugal casting machine is a simple tool toold to make. Spring
can be made or bought. Spring cover would be made of large
diameter steep pipe. Arms would be made of band steel. It need
One-was bearing to work. One end of spring is attached to the
spring cover, orhte end to one-way bearing, shaft is inserted into
bearing, and arms are mounted onto the shaft. Seams not hard to
make, but I need too see some pictures of inside of spring cover,
and how it is built. 

I bought my spin caster 2nd hand, but if I were to make a casting
machine, I would make a vacuum casting machine. Easier to make, far
less moving parts, and the castings are pretty nice that come out of
a vacuum.

Regards Charles A.

You are a brave person. One thing I do know from using various wax
injectors is that without consistent steady pressure you get lousy
waxes. Cleaning up injected waxes is a pain. I would never put wax
and a heating element together. I have seen and thought I was going
to attempt to make a wax injector with a pressure cooker, but did
not. Hand injector wax pots are a pain. That is the one thing I
would be least likely to build. I haven’t check ebay for a wax
injector, but would hope for a used wax injector.

Regards, Jay


if you do a web search there is an rticle writen by an English
person about building you own wax injector. It is basically a vessel
that you sit on a hotplate. A cooker element and temperature
controller will only cost you a little and will be commonly
available. A tyre pump will provide the pressure.

Best regards,
Nick Royall


I am thinking about building centrifugal casting machine, burnout
kiln and wax injector. 

Home made kiln and wax injectors here. You are right that a kiln is
easy, my controller is the most expensive part. 2 wax injectors, one
uses a flexible silicone heater wrapped round the tank (surplus store
years ago0 the other 1/4" dia cartridge heater in a block of brass
soldered to the tank bottom. Both heaters are standard items in the
US from heater supply companies and not that expensive. I don’t know
about Poland. ReHeat and Hotwatt are 2 US suppliers.

For the caster I’d just copy a commercial one, or go with vac
casting. (silicone gasget and most any vac pump) My commercial
casting machine does not use a one way bearing, your idea to include
one might be overkill. Don’t forget some sort of an exhaust hood,
wax burn out fumes are not fun. Even a kitchen stove hood will work.
Although for a while I used a cardboard box, squirel cage blower and
dryer hose poking through a window. Not quite up to code standards :slight_smile:

Demand Designs
Analog/Digital Modelling & Goldsmithing

Marek- I just love home made equipment and tools. I would recommend
building a vacuum caster instead of a centrifuge. It’s not hard to do
and I feel you get a better product with vacuum casting. I think it
makes for a denser and more even casting. You can use it if for
investing as well as casting. No molten metal slinging around and
more room in the studio. I’ve owned two home built vacuum casters as
well as a home made steamer among many other hand made tools. Have fun
and make lots of jewelry.

Jo Haemer

Hi Mark,

There are a number of good resources on the net for making DIY (do
it yourself) wax injectors, burn-out ovens and even centrifugal
casting machines. Here are a few of them, but further searching will
reveal many more. Good luck!’tF755

Larry Heyda

Go to Harbor Freight and buy a vacuum pump.

Go to hardware store and buy some clear vinyl tubing and fittings.

Procure a flat steel plate (or Aluminum) 12" square and drill a hole
in the very center to receive a small section of copper pipe. Braze
the copper to the steel leaving 1/4" stubbed up.

Procure 1) Silicone pad from Rio. (for hot metal)

  1. procure a soft rubber sheet roughly 12" square (for vacuuming

Procure a clean #10 can. (for vacuuming investment or RTV mold

Hook the tubing to the Vacuum pump and to the copper tube beneath
the plate.

Place the flask with investment to be debubbled on the rubber pad
and cover with the #10 can. Or place the hot flask on the silicone

Turn on the vacuum pump…

From here on the system is as complicated as you wish. Add a
vacuum gage. 

Add a trap. Add a valve.add an off on switch on the cabinet Add an
expensive clear acrylic bell jar. (the #10 can works very well and
once you learn how, it is not necessary to actually see it foam up)

If you want more detail e mail me and I can send pictures and
sources for the stuff.
