Building a magnetic tumbler

Hello Folks, and a HAPPY SUNDAY to you all! (I really LOVE Sundays,
because I can enjoy my Orchid forums with no rush and a good cup of

Anyway, my question is this: What happened to the entry about
"Building your own Magnetic Tumbler"? Unless I am mistaken, I read a
very informative post, with great images too, right here in one of
the forum posts, and I cannot seem to locate it ANYWHERE on the site
now. Could it be it is under a different heading, or that it has been
removed? Or maybe I am just blind as a bat!

Anyway, if anyone has a link to get to it, or a PDF file that
contains all the instructions, I would LOVE to get my hands on it. I
love to make some of my own tools. I was very successful with my
draw bench, (btw, thanks to whoever posted that one), have made a
great home made bench, have altered MANY hand tools to make them very
specialized for specific tasks, and would LOVE to build myself a
magnetic tumbler, too. (They are very expensive, and my budget just
does not allow for that kind of purchase.) So if anyone can direct
me to the post that I am pretty certain was here in Ganoksin-Land,
complete with photos.

Thanks in advance!

Hello Teresa

as far as I can recall, you’ll find a video on youtube with all the
details on how to make a magnetic tumbler. Straight forward and easy
aswell. Give it a shot.

Best regards

Anyway, my question is this: What happened to the entry about
"Building your own Magnetic Tumbler"? 

Teresa, this link here appeared on Orchid back in January 2009.

Which is the same as

Maybe this is what you are after.

Violaine Ulmer
bijoux et objets,

This website describes an the construction of an effective
“homebuilt” tumbler:-

These people can provide effective magnets although some are surface
shipment only.

kind regards
Don Iorns

go to:

open the tumbler section there are about 5 pages here-- lots of
details. If you have troubles let me know


What happened to the entry about "Building your own Magnetic

Teresa, the original, long on the web article is heRe:

I’ve made several - once you have the concept down, it’s not hard to

It occurs to me that you may be able to use the very powerful
magnets that are to be found in computer hard disk drives. They come
complete with a mounting bracket and screw holes.

here’s a link to the video in the BenchTube section :


Thank you to ALL of you with all the specs on building my own
tumblers. Now SHOPPING for parts! Gotta LOVE Ganoksin-Land, you all
are awesome!
