Can anyone tell me what the device is that jewelers use when making “chain” bracelets to draw them down and make them uniform and where I can purchase one? I would think of it as an adjustable draw plate. I saw one jeweler from you tube clamp this device in his vise and pull the bracelet he was making through it.
Look for a wooden or delrin chain draw plate. Works just like a draw plate that you might use to draw wire. There is one that you will see in video clips that is adjustable. I have never seen one for sale. Others may have…Rob
The device you saw on the video is called a “Turk’s Head” and the guy used to have them for sale but at a price that you would have to use often to make it worthwhile. The tool is available elsewhere but you are going to have to search for it.
Ok, great. I’ve scoured the web looking for this device with no luck. Could it go by a different name?
Not to my knowledge but I guess someone could dream up a name for it.
Wouldn’t be surprised if even the manual pull through type hovers around a couple of thousand dollars - at least in my currency
Thanks for posting this! I used to have a homemade one of these with specific size holes drilled into piece of hardwood. The holes were countersunk on one side just like they are with a drawplate. Somehow my homemade wood drawplate got lost and I was lamenting having to make a new one. Truthfully, for $13 this is a much easier way to go!
Thanks again!!
Yeah. A very cool tool. And considering that we are using it only for silver, gold, and copper, it will never wear out.
Drawing out a braid is one of the most satisfying tasks - far better than the tedium of braiding.
Same here: When I used to make loop in loop chains, I had a board of maple or oak and I drilled holes of graduated diameters and used it like a draw plate. it worked great
I think that the difference between using a draw plate, whether metal or wood, and turk’s head is that the plate will stretch the chain more vigorously rather than being allowed to roll through the other
I just found my homemade hardwood draw plate hidden in a drawer! I still might buy one of these $13 draw plates from Amazon just to try it out.