Box Chain Repair

Hi - I’m new here and am impressed with the technical knowledge
of the group - but feeling rather brave this am, thought I’d
offer how I was taught to tackle this repair!

I was taught to feed back the ends into the box design (like you
described) and solder with a touch of solder. This creates a
small non-flexible section of chain but will hold. I always
explain to the customer before doing the repair to expect the
results of a short stiff section of chain - then they are not
surprised. Polishes up nicely and blends in fine. Cynthia c. wiig,
silversmith (you don’t want to know how it is here in Honolulu!)

  What is the correct way to repair a box chain that is only
held together mechanically, not soldered?  If you just bend it
back together, the link is too weak and pulls apart to easily.
Suggestions please? 

Steve, I alway turn down this type of chain repair. once this
type of chain is streched it breaks in the weekest link, but now
it creates more week spots that you can not see. The chain will
then break again and again in new spots. You can repair it on
the broken link show the repair to the costomer and the have them
sign the ticket stating that you are not laiable for any further
braekage. Good luck Edward

I disagree that turning away the repair is the best course of
action. Better to explain that the repair will make the area
relatively inflexible. This , however, will not preclude that the
chain will have some use left in it. Once the customer
understands the situation he or she will appreciate your honesty
and accept the limits of the chain.

Hi - My experience with that (soldered stiff joint) that usually
on either side on any type very fine chain breakeage will ocurr
and I told the customer this would probably happen. Sometimes
the customer liked the chain so much they went ahead with the
solder regardless of the chance for ultimate breaks around the
stiff joint.
