Greetings fellow orchids I have been checking in here from time to
time for years but have only recently subscribed.I have been really
enjoying following the exchange of over the past few
months. The reason that I chose to subscribe now is that I have a lot
of time on my hands due to the fact that I am unemployed. Because I
am new here I am not sure if it is cool to post such a message here
but after 3 months I have not had much luck anywhere else.I just
wanted to put the word out in case anyone is looking or knows anyone
who is looking for help. I have 5 years experience making jewelry in
a small, custom, retail shop in the Boston area (I will consider
relocating for the right position).I don’t want to take up any more
space here going over my resume but if anyone has any questions,
comments, or ideas they may email me directly. It would be greatly