[Book] The Guide

Hi, Just recently there was a conversation going about a book, that I
think was called The Guide. It had all the up to date pricing for
repairs, custom work etc. I didn’t think I could afford it at this
time and now I don’t think I can afford not to have it. Unfortunately
I didn’t keep the website of the guy who wrote it. Would someone
please run that by again. Thanks a lot.
~Poppy~ www.jewelrybypoppy.com

The Guide is an excellent pricing publication pub lished by Gemworld
Inte rnational 1-888-gem-guide. It is particularly useful for
appraisers, dia mond and colored stone buyers looking to price gems
and pearls. It comes out quarterly in a print and computer version.
It also has a companion pricing guide listing average markups for
jewelry work broken down by geo graphic area and a newsletter called
Gem Market News that I contribute to . Anyone professionally involved
with gemstones should subscribe.



I think what you may be looking for is the Price Book offered by
David Geller, a successful retail/custom jeweler in Atlanta. His
website is http://www.jewelerprofit.com.


Suzanne Wade
Phone: (508) 339-7366
Fax: (520) 563-8255