I’m writing a how-to book on jewelry making. I posted once before
and want to thank all the people who gave me their helpful
suggestions. I’m now in the last stages of my book proposal and
would like to call on you Orchidians again for your help. I have to
do marketing research in order to sell my agent on the (hopefully)
large audience for my book. You may not know this (I didn’t), but
publishers and bookstores do not make available their sales figures
to the public. Therefore, I come to you to ask about your book
buying habits. Do you buy jewelry making books for knowledge,
inspiration or some other reason? How many jewelry books do you own?
Do you look for new ones on the market? Any you folks
can give me is much needed and very much appreciated. I’ve always
considered myself a writer, but now I find that I’m becoming a
jewelry maker and loving it. I mostly lurk, since I’m a total
beginner and have little to offer in the way of helpful advice. I’ve
learned a lot from you all and think the Orchid site is a wonderful
avenue for and support. Thanks in advance.
Christine Ritchey