Does anyone have on how to resurface bonded diamond
wheels? I have 600 -1200-and 14,000.
I am not familiar with the process for doing this ,Type of
adhesives,and curing times.
If anyone can supply any i would greatly appreciate it.
Thank you in advance for your time and consideration.
Sincerely,Tom Miller
Hi Tom,
Does anyone have on how to resurface bonded diamond
wheels? I have 600 -1200-and 14,000.
Generally the diamond is held on the substrate by a nickel plating.
The best way to get a new wheel that’ll give you satisfactory
service & life is to get the catalog from a good supplier of this
type of wheel & order new ones.
Unless you have a good source of graded diamond, access to a good
electroplating set up, have the experience, it’s process fraught
with problems for the little guy.