Bombings in London

Dear UK Orchidians, It was with great sadness that I heard of the
terrorist bombings in London this morning. So many innocent people!
My thoughts and prayers are with you and all who are affected by
this madness. In sorrow, Judy in Kansas

I eco Judy’s sentiments! My thoughts and deepest sympathy go out to
our British Orchid Members after this tragic bombing in London. I
hope all our UK Orchid members are safe, and that all of their
families and friends are safe and were far from the terrible London

I have many dear family and friends in the UK and just had several
UK visitors here at my home in the US for the past 3 weekends. My
Mum is from London, and my mate is also from the UK. Thankfully all
our family and friends are safe. I wish that for everyone on this
Orchid list.

My heart goes out for those who were lost, to those who lost loved
ones, and to the injured.

Most Sincerely
Sharon Scalise

I know this isn’t a political forum - - but I’d like to echo what
Judy said. We stand with the people in the UK - we know what they’re
going through. Our hearts and our prayers go out to you.

    • Nan from New Jersey, who often walked through the World Trade
      Center on her way to work.