BlueNile vs. "wholesale"

Buying diamonds online must be the biggest leap of faith I could ever
imagine. The ability to see the batch first and then work with the
dealer on a better quality (which is just in the next drawer) as
opposed to ordering, then receiving the pkg, then returning the goods
if not up to your standard, then re-ordering. whew. If you are not
in the NYC location, I can understand the pressure of online
purchases. But try to make a business trip to NYC once a year and
stock up. I use I.Morgenstern at 580 Fifth Ave. Bring a proof of
business (a business check, tax ID number or the like). These folks
have small mm and larger round stones in all price ranges. The person
who makes the parcels up for the customer has an excellent “eye” for
beauty and sparkle. You can sit and chat over your needs. My
purchases were in the range of $350 per carat. Perhaps you can work
with them through the phone for mailing type orders. I regulary only
walk-in. They work with Reinstein-Ross and other top designers.

Ususal disclaimers.

Best wishes, june