[Blog Talk Radio] Torches

This week’s Blog Talk Radio online program with Jay Whaley, will be
an open discussion about Torches. This will be Thursday July 2nd,
from 3 PM to 4 PM PDT.

You can also reach it from a link on Jay’s website,


The format is to link to the broadcast site, and either call in to
ask the questions on air and speak with Jay directly, or enter the
Chat section, and type your questions, and I will be on the other
end of the Chat and relay the question to Jay, and you will hear him
reply on air, and if I can I will also type a response.

Jay has been testing several Torch types sent to him for evaluation.
he finds few capable of melting metal for ingots. he is requesting
other opinions as well.

This is a very interesting and powerful format within which to
exchange Once the broadcast ends, it is then archived
for later retrieval and download to be listened to when you are

We look forward to meeting you online.
Thank you,
Terrie, for Jay