[BizTalk] Credit card machine

Hi everyone,

I have a question: what kind of credit card machine have members
used, and with which bank?

I am getting ready to have a holiday open house, and I plan on
selling a few thousand dollars worth of jewelry. I would only use
this machine 4-5 times per year for shows, so it would have to be
inactive during the time I’m not using it. I have heard of some smart
phone based terminals, but I’m not sure I would want my credit card
taken using a cell phone. I have been screwed many times using
different ‘providers’ for different services, so I am a wary

Thanks for your valuable input.
Tara Hutchinson

Hi Tara, I will be very happy to see what responses you get as I’m
doing exactly the same thing in about 5 to 6 weeks…a holiday open
house. I’ve investigated all kinds of sliders, wireless terminals
and merchant account services. I need to pick one very soon but am
finding the entire array confusing. I need to go wireless because
the location of my open house has no wi-fi nor the ability for me to
plug into their computer system. I’m concerned about security (mine
and customers) too .Does anyone have experience with GoPayments and
Mophie card slider (along with Innovative Merchant solutions), or 1st
National Procession Merchant Services who offer a huge variety of
wireless credit card processing machines?

Many thanks,
Karen O’Brien

Something new from Twitter developer, Square Credit Card Processing.
Set up an account and free card slider fits into your earphone jack,
download an app and you can take a credit card from anyone anywhere
you have phone service. From what I understand, rate under 3% and I
think 12 cents per transaction. It is in Beta testing now.

If anyone knows how to participate in Beta testing please let me
know off line.

Richard Hart G.G.
Denver, Co. 80210

check out squareup.com They seem to have a really good program, not
annual or monthly fee, free swiper for iphone and android phone.
Check out all of the details. I haven’t talked with them yet but
will be checking them out.

Pat Gebes

there’s been very mixed reviews in the itunes store on this company’s
product. as the original rollout was for iphones and ipads, it’s an
app in the itunes store, check out the reviews there. it seems to be
out of beta testing. the owner of teamac explained that the size of
the card reader makes it difficult to get a valid read on a
customer’s card and there is a video on utube showing how the swipe
doesn’t work so well tho’ that was a first generation card reader
from square. i think this needs a bit more time to mature. there’s
also issues with transaction limits and how much they pay out at
once. and there doesn’t seem to be a phone # for customer service.

I use Costco. Intuit machine wireless for shows. I use phone line at
home. M