Big Fish Finally Pays

Dear Orchidonians,

As a courtesy to all those who took a hearty interest in my payment

The Big Fish finally paid me in mid September. Funny thing was she
sent me two checks one with a current date and the other dated 3
months previously. She sent me all the money she owed me but not all
the interest. Next thing, one of her checks bounced ($6 charge to
me grrrrrr). I redeposited it and looks like it is now good.

During our early September conversations prior to her sending me
payment, I mentioned that I might disclose her identity on a jewelry
internet list with a 5000 strong readership. That understandably
sent her through the roof, with threats of a lawsuit. I got my money
promptly after that… (five and a half months late).

Since she paid me I am not going to publicly reveal her identity.
Thanks for all your support, advice, and input in this matter, it

Sincerely, Steve Green - Rough and Ready Gems