Bezel construction: ratio of stone size to metal thickness of bezel

We either make our own tubing for bezel setting stones or we just buy pre
made bezels with a bearing already in it.

Have fun and make lots of jewelry.
-Jo Haemer

The information on using tubes or pre made bezels is useful and much appreciated, thank you, Beside round, I am using other shape stones. It seems for what I am working with It is best to make my bezels . After I make the outer wall, I’m rimming it on the inside with the round 20 gage, then measure, cut and solder, I make this inner seat just a tiny bit small, then I enlarge it by gently squeezing with a pliers, to get a friction fit ( press fit seat ) before the seat is pressed into the outer bezel I make sure it is flat on the anvil. I made gage from a nail with a shoulder set 3 mm from the tip, this is used to position the seat 3mm down inside before it’s fluxed and soldered. Basically its an adaptation of the information I received from Richard. The jig makes it easier to hold the bezels when being worked on.



As a faceter the cut on the stone is, I don’t know what to call it.