Dear Orchidians, Someone recently told me about a method of coating
finished silver work with mixture of refined white beeswax disolved
in a bit of naptha. Apparently the naptha disolves the wax making a
slurry which is then painted on the metal’s surface. The naptha
dissipates and leaves a fine coating of the wax over the piece which
retards tarnish. This is supposed to work well on delicate or
intricate work where a cloth and paste (Renaissance) wax would be
difficult to apply. You just use a small paint brush to reach tight
areas. Does anyone else use this recipe or have any other tips or
methods that are successful. Thanks.
Dear Orchidians, Someone recently told me about a method of coating
finished silver work with mixture of refined white beeswax disolved
in a bit of naptha. Apparently the naptha disolves the wax making a
slurry which is then painted on the metal’s surface. The naptha
dissipates and leaves a fine coating of the wax over the piece which
retards tarnish. This is supposed to work well on delicate or
intricate work where a cloth and paste (Renaissance) wax would be
difficult to apply. You just use a small paint brush to reach tight
areas. Does anyone else use this recipe or have any other tips or
methods that are successful. Thanks.