Best Jeweler's Burs

What are the Best Burs used by Jewellers & Dental Trades

At the Industrial Trade Show in Paris.
Busch Burs were rated the Number 1 bur.
Maillefer were rated Number 2.
Meisinger were rated Number 3.
Fox were rated Number 4.

Fox is not a brand used in France. There is no manufacturer in
Germany called Fox.

Fox is a US trade mark for Burs made by Brasseler (Komet) one of the
largest tungsten & Carbide cutting tool manufacturer in Germany.

I agree Busch is No.1 & Maillefer is No. 2 for Jewelry and Dental. I
do not know much about Meisinger. But I do know that Fox Round burs
and particularly their Carbide burs have the best (round) shape among
all the 4 kinds.

Kenneth Singh
46 Jewelry Supply