Bench jewelry equipment & tools for sale

My late husband, Dennis Ameis, was a master jeweler and died last year. He was a wonderful man and one of the best in our area, here in the state of Arkansas. I would love for someone to have his equipment and be able to take care of it like he did. If interested, please message me.
He was in the jewelry industry for over 30 years - started when he was 16 as an apprentice. Here are some of the items.
Jewelry bench and some of his hand tools:
Neycraft Casting Oven and accessories:
Other equipment:

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My condolences, he looks like he loved what he did. I would be interested in some of the tools and have sent you a private message.

I am so sorry… and it is hard to part with the things they loved, but better to think of them loved and used. I am not currently in need of tools, but having recently sold off my father’s lapidary equipment, you have my deepest sympathy!

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I thank you so much for your kind words. It is very hard to part with his things - but knowing that someone else could use them does bring some comfort.


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Hello, do you have any of this equipment left ?

Yes, I do. There is a gentleman that is supposed to come by within the next two weekends to look at some of it. Are you interested in anything in particular?

Its exactly what al old school bench guy would want. You honor him, My condolences.

Thank you!