Are there any western style buckle makers out there? I am trying to learn how to apply the twisted wire (rope) edge to the edge of my buckle blank, not solder it to the top of the blank.
This is not a buckle, it is a bracelet that I make applying twisted wire to the edge. Cut very small solder pallions (chips) and presolder the edge of the buckle material. Then very carefully solder the wire to the edge. Fussy but fairly simple to do. You can also buy cast twisted wire with a groove cut down the length that the edge of the buckle material will fit into. Then just solder it in place. Good luck…Rob
what about filling the gaps between the twist wire and the edge of the plate? Also have only been able to find the grooved twist wire in sterling, want the edge to contrast with something like red brass. is there a simple way to fabricate the trim?
You could file the edge of the twist to make it flatter. This won’t eliminate the gap, but good luck keeping the flat in the wire lined up with the edge of the buckle. Make the twisted wire out of whatever metal you want to make it out of, but experiment with the type of solder you use and how you use it before you do it for real.
Have you considered using slotted wire?
want to use jewelers bronze for the trim, and have not been able to find a source. would love to use a slotted trim but it does not seem to be available