Beginning Jewelry Workshop

There was some talk a while back about beginning jewelry classes.
For anyone interested, the Mendocino Art Center, in Northern
California, is offering a beginning jewelry workshop with Marilyn
da Silva. Marilyn is the head of the metals program at California
College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, Ca. She is a marvelous
artist (you can usually see her work in issues of Metalsmith Mag.)
and a gifted and generous teacher. For more info. you can see the
Art Center’s web page at MCN: Mendocino Community Network

There was some talk a while back about beginning jewelry classes.
For anyone interested, the Mendocino Art Center, in Northern
California, is offering a beginning jewelry workshop with Marilyn
da Silva. Marilyn is the head of the metals program at California
College of Arts and Crafts in Oakland, Ca. She is a marvelous
artist (you can usually see her work in issues of Metalsmith Mag.)
and a gifted and generous teacher. For more info. you can see the
Art Center's web page at

Excellent. Marilyn is a great teacher. I recommend anyone who’s
thinking of starting jewellery enrol and get started with her.

B r i a n � A d a m J e w e l l e r y E y e w e a r �
@Brian_Adam1 ph/fx +64 9 817 6816 NEW ZEALAND
Where there are a disproportionate number of Mills & Boon writers