[Beginners' Corner] Shows and small galleries

I would love to hear from anyone who is just getting started working
at shows and with small galleries. Especially those who are working
with polymer clay and beading. (Or anyone who remembers what getting
started was like!) I appreciate all comments and suggestions. Thank
you very much.


I have discovered that unless your show or gallery is in an area where
artists and their time are really appreciated, that you will be hard
pressed to sell your items for a decent profit. I have heard much
about pricing as to “what the market will bear” and have been trying
to learn how to gauge this, it is difficult. Don’t get me wrong, I
still display my nicer pieces with the nicer price, and they do sell,
eventually. I have found a decent market in NC, doing the Arts &
Crafts Festival circuit, with low to moderately priced jewelry and
gift items. I learned quikly not to depend on the higher priced items
to pay the bills, so when I do sell one it
is like icing on the cake.

Hi, Susan,

Thanks for replying Re: shows and small galleries. Actually, I am a
writer whose character is into beading and polymer clay, as opposed to
metals, and I am hoping to make her authentic. Your info helped, and
I would appreciate any other suggestions you have that I might use in
order to make her real, as opposed to a pastiche of research. Please
contact me at my own e-mail address: @Robin_Lynch if you don’t
mind, as this project is still in its infant stage.

Thanks again, Susan!

    I would love to hear from anyone who is just getting started
working at shows and with small galleries. 

What would you like to hear? It’s tough, it’s hard work, it can be
terrifying and risky and totally exhilarating. I turned my part time
“hobby” into a full time business about 1 1/2 years ago and it took
about a year to make a reliable income. I did my first retail show a
few months ago and was a nervous wreck for about a month before hand,
the show went great and I cleaned up. Advise? I would say 1. don’t be
discouraged by rejection, galleries and juries always vary, it’s not
personal. 2.Don’t be afraid to take risks, I’ve made great contacts in
very odd ways, so keep your eyes and ears open. 3.Think of yourself as
a professional and act that way. 4.Love what you do


Amy O’Connell
Amy O’Connell Jewelry

(yes, it’s updated!)