Bag balm

You used to be able to get Bag Balm in Walmart stores in
Chicago. When I lived there all my friends took it home as
souvenirs. None of us could believe that they sold it. At the
time we didn’t even know what it was being used for!

As for keeping hands clean. Use a good quality barrier cream
before polishing and then clean it off afterwards. That works for
me for other “dirty” jobs too.

By the way, if you’re in the London area (UK) there are a lot of
exhibitions coming up which are worth seeing. The Dazzle
Exhibition is on at the National Film Theatre, at the South Bank
(near to Waterloo station) and then there are open days at the
OXO tower and at Gabriel’s Warf (also on the South Bank) in the
next few months.

Alex Ball
Electron Microscope Unit
The Natural History Museum
London SW7 9BD

Tel 0171 938 8973/9348
Fax 0171 938 9268