Art? birthstones? Craft? how high is up?

being fully cognizant of the ‘no-no’ against overt selling on orchid,
i would still like to offer an item i feel is needed by those of you
with time to: actively argue certain birthstones vs other stones for
whichever months’ birthdays, AND/OR, become embroiled in defining
’art’ vs ‘craft’ - arguing, getting indignantly entangled & actually
believing that real people give a rat’s naughty about those
definitions - FOR SALE: ONE FORMER LIFE - just an easy-does it,
slightly ‘soap’s jessica’ (if you’re under 30, forget it) type
neurotic existence, nice & safe life - discarded but still usable. -
those seeking a life in semi-functional, constrained condition;
needing a restricted environment with constantly posted definitive
directions for thinking & operating to avoid the possibility of
independent action & one that must be fed a steady diet of ‘people
magazine’, ‘saturday evening post books’, ‘t.v. guide’, day time &
night time soap operas, talk shows, home shopping shows, or one who
demands a life that “KNOWS what ART is” NEED NOT APPLY! i didn’t do
any of those things before i gave in to the life of an artist & i
most fervidly avoid them now. apply within. ive