I was curious if there are other Zbrush users for designing jewelry. I’m not a professional so I’m self taught so take this for what it is but I have found Zbrush to be way more user friendly in making jewelry than Matrix Gemvision (Rhino). I was wondering who else out there likes Zbrush and how they like to use it.
To explain why I like Zbrush over Rhino based program I’ll give you an example. (This may have to do with me not being taught how to properly use Rhino but here is a frustrating problem with Rhino or Gemvision Matrix).
If I try to boolean subtract 3D text that I bend and insert to fom a ring in Gemvision Matrix (Rhino), I never get solid, water tight mesh that has no errors. If you boolean subtract 3D text that is bent around a ring in Zbrush, I get a water tight, error free mesh instantly with no problems.
For laying out stones, I’m sure Gemvision Matrix is better, but I’m always having problems with what should be basic mesh in Rhino type programs. What do you guys think?
You are going down a path that has worked for me. Been learning matriz for 6 years and bought zbrush core a couple years ago. Rhino the platform matrix is built on, was dumping tsplines and gemvision replaced with clayoo. Both are modeling, sculpting software.
I have grown to like clayoo but still enjoy the option to bring a model from matrix into zbrush and after alterations bring it back into matrix for final details and production.
Someday i may pop for full zbrush but for now see no need.
Hi Rick!! I use zbrush for jewelry and my teacher Tomas Wittlesbach just launched his site today zbrushjewelryworkshop.com
Ask me anything you want!
I’ve been using Matrix since Version 2. Started in CAD back in 1999. I use Zbrush everyday. Some things are just not possible with Rhino 3D, but there are things I can do far faster in Rhino 3D and more accurately than Zbrush. You’ll have people go back and forth about it and for me, I think it’s simply how you like to do things and what you’ve learned. I find with Zbrush, I can be far more expressive with my designs in a freeform manner. Both are really great softwares and I’ll always use a combination of the two.
Its probably just how you like to work or what you are useto. With zmodeler you can do anything in zbrush to get your base forms. No need for any other programs. I love it