Ancient and classical jewelry classes?

Im looking for Ancient and classical jewelry classes,I know about the
jewelry arts institute in new york… I m from los angeles . there is
some one who took classes in this place? What about de Cecilia bouer
studios? I have to choice betwen this two…which one is better? I been
making jewelry for about 8 years but I would like to improve my work
and I realy love the bizantine period,granulation,enameling,advance
setting is what I need to learn. I need advices about this thank you
very much andrea

I would definately go with C. Bauer Studios. The atmosphere is calm
and very conductive to creativity. Hope you enjoy!

Nina Leto
Lenina Hand-Crafted Jewelry

Jean Stark is doing a class on ancient rings at Revere Academy very
soon I think. You might get in touch with Alan and see if there are
openings. Jean is a master of ancient techniques,excellent
instructor, and a lovely person. Thomas Blair

Hi Andrea, I am from L.A. and lived in NY for a while. While in NY I
took classes at many schools, including Cecelia Bauer, and can’t
speak highly enough about her school. I know of Jewelry Arts
Institute, but I never went there. Cecelia’s classes taught me
volumes about technique and precision, and her small class size gives
you alot of attention. Now she is in NY and has intensive classes in
the summer. In L.A. I wouldn’t know where to go for ancient
techniques. I would look up Bob Hazeltine in Pasadena for fine
jewelry classes, I really learned alot from him.

Good luck!
Lissa Aguila

I really appreciate the info about ancient jewelry classes,I would
like to know more about C.Bouer studio I have to spend some money
because I from Los Angeles, I think that I going to take the one week
workshop,but I appreciate if you can tell me more details about
C.Bouer studios, there is just one teacher? what about the level of
the classes? I want to learn granulation,emaneling and advance
ssetings, Who went to the jewelry arts institute in NY? I looking for
good masters in this king of technics. thank you very much for your
help. Andrea I sorry for my English,I speak spanish.

Dear Andrea: Please contact me offline for info about Cecelia
Bauer’s classes. I have been at both the Jewelry Arts Institute and
Cecelia’s and will be happy to answer any questions you have. I
realize it’s a big undertaking and you want to get the best you can.
E-mail me at Sincerely Sandra

Hi You will learn much more at C. Bauer Studios. Cecelia is the main
teacher and she normally has two assistants that circulate while she
is busy with other students to keep you moving along. She’s an
expert in granulation, chain making and all the classical
techniques. Cecelia and I met at Jewelry Arts where she was an
assistant teacher there and I have the highest regard for her
abilities. You will finish more projects at Cecelia’s workshop
during the intensives than you would imagine.

All the best of luck, you will love the intensives!

Nina Leto
Lenina Hand-Crafted Jewelry