at the risk of sounding like a dummy, I have a question regarding
the oil that my Disc cutter and other metal tools (punches, forming
blocks. etc.) are covered in. Does this oil, have to stay on the
tool, is it for more than storage purposes. I mean does it help in
any way… or can I wipe it off and be done with it. Because I am
having a difficult time with all the oil, I am a Virgo, (anal
retentive) so instantly I want to clean it and put it in it’s place,
will this rust it or ruin it in any way???
BTW, I love this site and am fairly new to joining… so look for
lots more questions from me! =O) Thank you so much for the
inspiration to get back into creating. I am just beginning to work
with metals, so am rather intimidated to show my work, as it is so
different and less tangible, than what I have been seeing. All the
work on this site is simply AMAZING!
Designer, Victor Allen