FWIW: There's a good article on 'Maker's Marks' in this months
AJM magazine
Hi David, or everyone who knows!
What kind of magazine is the AJM? I suppose it means American
Jeweler and Metalsmith. Is it something like Metalsmith magazine or
more commercial? Does it worth to suscribe? I would like to have
the adress of this magazine. Thanks all of you. Vincent Guy Audette
AJM stands for American Jewelry Manufacturer. It is the only
magazine devoted exclusively to the jewelry manufacturing industry
in the United States. You may reach AMJ at One State Street, 6th
Floor, Providence, RI 02908. Yes, it is well worth subscribing to
the magazine. Better still, if you are serious about your craft
and this industry you should join MJSA (Manufacturing Jewelers and
Silversmiths of America. MJSA pubishes AJM, and the magazine is
free to all members. For more call 800-444-MJSA. – Tom
Viola MJSA, VP
Hi Vincent,
What kind of magazine is the AJM?
AJM stands for ‘American Jewelry Manufacturer’. It’s the monthly
publication of MJSA (Manufacturing Jewelers &Silversmiths of
America), a trade group in the US. Membership in the MJSA is mainly
companies & individuals involved in some area of the jewelry
industry. They’ve just opened a new category of membership
(Associate Member?), this class of emebership is open to firms &
individuals providing services to members of the jewlry trade
(accountant s, advertising agencies etc). Individual artists are
called Guild members.
You can get AJM either by subscription ($42/yr, US) or as a part
of your annual membership dues in MJSA.
The address is:
One State St.
Providence RI 02908-5035
401-274-3840 phone
401-274-0265 fax
ajmmagazine@compuserve.com E-mail
It’s a very worthwhile magazine.