AJDC New Talent Competition

I just wanted to let all of you know about an exciting opportunity
that is coming up; the 2006 American Jewelry Design Council’s New
Talent Contest. The winner is given a booth, professional assistance,
lots of publicity and is featured in the New Designers Gallery at the
Jewelers of America Show in New York each summer.

I won the contest 2 years ago and the opportunity to show my
collection to the vast jewelry market at the JA Show was priceless. I
made contacts and developed new outlets for my work. And, it was
incredibly inspiring.

If you are making and selling original fine jewelry to stores this
is a great way to give your career a jet boost. All applicants’
collections are evaluated according to Originality, Craftsmanship,
Design and Marketability. The contest deadline is January 15

You can read more about the contest and download an application from
ajdc.org or contact Alan Revere, President of AJDC at

Best wishes,

Catherine Hylands
AJDC New Talent Contest
2004 Winner