[again] ring size conversion


I am searching for a ring size conversion table, featuring US,
UK and European (at least german) sizes. I’m sure I’ve seen one
on Ganoksin/Orchid’s webpages, but cannot find it anymore (don’t
know if it really was there…). Can anyone give me a hint on
that conversion table?

See ya,

sabineas virtual gallery:

Dear Sabinea, Check Oppi Untrracht’s “Jewelry; Concepts and
Technology” pg. #734. You will find a complete comparison of
American, U.K./Eire, and European sizes against Inside diameter
in both mm and inches.
Good Luck, Eben

I looked it up last week on the ganoksin web site-
is their sizing comparison chart.

Rick Hamilton
Richard D. Hamilton
Fabricated 14k, 18k, and platinum Jewelry
wax carving, modelmaking, jewelry photography

I am searching for a ring size conversion table, featuring US,
UK and European (at least german) sizes. I'm sure I've seen one
on Ganoksin/Orchid's webpages, but cannot find it anymore (don't
know if it really was there...). Can anyone give me a hint

ooooph ! sorry for the mistake in spelling jewelry!


Hi Sabine,

Try a search at Orchid section of the Ganoksin home page…
the message archives are now fully searchable by keyword, so a
try with ‘conversion’ (or even more specific) will get you the
post you are looking for. I remember clearly at least 5 posts
with those tables included.

Good Luck,

Terry Swift
Swiftkita Design Studio