Advertising in UK jewellery magazines

Hi all, does anyone out there know of the best UK jewellery
magazines to advertise our IOJDAA, Opal Jewellery Design Awards
competition in???

I just need to know the mags that the jewellers in the UK would
subscribe too so our advertising dollars would be put to the best
use. We are a non profit committee who hold a biennial Opal jewellery
design award. Next one will be held in 2009.

Thanks in advance
Christine Roussel


I am a UK jeweller, unfortunately in the UK there are not many home
produced magazines. Two have recently come on the Market BEAD,
( and BEADS and Beyong
( This mags are aimed at the craft
market and may not be what you are looking for. I personally
subscribe to Retail Jeweller ( a UK magazine) and your own Art
Jewelry and Jewelry Artist. Retail Jewellery may do an editorial for
you, but I not sure if it is the type of market you are after.

( The other possiblity for you would be to
advertise on ‘benchpeg’. This is an online jewellery newsletter which
goes out about once twice a month. I understand it is free to
advertise on. If you want the web address, let me know and I’ll get
back to you. Hope this helps, other UK jewellers may know more than


Hi Christine,

Hi all, does anyone out there know of the best UK jewellery
magazines to advertise our IOJDAA, Opal Jewellery Design Awards
competition in?

I shall be interested to see if you get any replies to your question
as I too asked pretty much the same question a month or so ago and
got absolutely no replies whatsoever!

I live in the UK and have asked the UK jewellers to suggest what
magazines to subscribe to but to no avail. I am looking at taking out
an international subscription to Jewelry Artist but would like some
UK suggestions also.


Hi Christine,

Try J-Dex Magazine (London). They produce a very respectable
publication, and you can view it online as well.

David Keeling


There is a monthly magazine which is produced in the UK both as a
hard copy (free subscription) and has the complete magzine on line

It is financed by the advertisers and has a wide range of suppliers
and articles.

Regards to all
RobinRobin Key
Clavis JewelleryAberdeen, Scotland