[Admin] Sweatshop Jewelry Thread

Orchid Land,

As Most of you know, that as the list moderator I do not take sides on
the issues presented within the forum, but it is my job to monitor
and contain the interactions that will then be broadcast across the

Thousands of Orchidians are out there, from all over the world, with
different levels of tolerance, who log in once a day to read postings
on gem and jewelry related matters.

Orchid is an International discussion list and it is my job to keep
the forum healthy and maintain the integrity of the content.

Without over looking the importance of human rights issues, I am
afraid after reading the input on this subject, I realized that this
discussion will deteriorate into a political discussion, Therefore I
decided to exercise my right to lock the thread.

Thank you for understanding


Put an Orchid on your Bench …
